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Чемпионат и Первенство Евразии по полноконтактному рукопашному бою

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Чемпионат и Первенство Азии по полноконтактному рукопашному бою.
г. Кисловодск, Россия

12-13 ноября 2016 года



for holding the personal-team Open Championship of Asia


on Full Contact Fighting FCF-MMA


Kislovodsk city, Russia, November 12-13, 2016




  1. General Provisions

    • The personal-team Open Championship of Asia are being held for FCF-MMA development and popularization purposes world-wide, for strengthening of international sports relations and identifying the best and the strongest athletes.
    • The personal-team Championship of Asia are being held according to the approved by the International Federation IF FCF amateur rules.


  1. Arrangement and the competitions administration.


2.1. The personal-team Championship and the national Championship of Asia are held by the International Federation of Full Contact Fighting and the Russian IF FCF MMA National Department.


  1. Place, dates and time of competitions.


3.1. The personal-team Championship of Asia are held on 12-13 November, 2016, in the 37A Prospect Pobedi, Humanities and Technical Institute, Kislovodsk, Russia.


3.2. Accommodation in the:


– Hostel «Na Vodah» – Kislovodsk, Zamkovay Street 5 “B”, phone +79283409380, +787937-32731, website: ($6 for one person a 1 day) in rooms there are no conveniences;


– Hotel «Krim» – Kislovodsk, Gorkogo Street 31, phone +787937-20158, website:  ($8 or $13 for one person a 1 day) rooms with conveniences;


– Hotel «Panorama» – Kislovodsk, Krupskay Street 2, phone +79187747444, +787937-61444, website: ($13 for one person a 1 day) double rooms with conveniences.


To book rooms in hotels till November 01, 2016.


3.3. 12 November:


– 01.00 p.m. – Credentials committee and weighing in 37A Prospect Pobedi, Humanities and Technical Institute, Kislovodsk, Russia;


– 06.00 p.m. – Meeting of judges and representatives.


3.4. 13 October – 08.00 a.m. – The beginning of the competition.


3.6. 14 October – delegations departure.


  1. The participants of the competitions.


4.1. The teams of IF FCF national departments participate in competitions in the following weight and age categories:


– at the age of 8-9: 25, 28, 31, 34, +34 kg.,


– at the age of 10-11: 30, 34, 38, 42, +42 kg.,


– at the age of 12-13: 35, 39, 43, 48, +48 kg.,


– at the age of 14-15: 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, +60 kg.,


– at the age of 16-17-18: 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, +75 kg.,


– at the age of 19 and older: 57, 61, 66, 71, 77, 84, 93, +93 kg.


  1. Outfit and equipment.


5.1. For the youths of 8-15 years old it is permitted to wear: shorts (blue or red), shin guards of stockings type (not hard) (blue or red), groin guard and gloves for hand-to-hand fighting (blue or red), size S.


5.2. For the juniors of 16-18 years old and adults of 19 years old or older it is permitted to wear: shorts (blue or red), groin guard and gloves for mixed martial arts MMA (blue or red).


5.3. The presence of clearly visible approved logo of International Federation IF FCF on the left front part of shorts (9 centimeters in diameter).


  1. Competitions conditions.


6.1. The personal-team Championship of Asia are being held according to the Olympic single – elimination tournament system.


6.2. The combat time is determined in compliance with FCF rules.


6.3. Athletes, having no wins are not awarded with medals or prizes.


6.4. Money for coming to the place of competitions, staying at a hotel, meal and entry fee are provided by sending organizations.


  1. Awarding.


7.1. The winners of the age subgroups of 19 years and older are awarded Championship belts and certificates and are conferred the title of “FCF-MMA Champion of Asia, 2016”.  


7.2. The winners of the age subgroups of 8-18 years will be awarded with Cups, medals and certificates and receive the title of “FCF-MMA Champion of Asia, 2016”.


7.3. The winners are conferred the sports title:


– adults (19 years old and older) “Master of international class of FCF-MMA, a black belt, 2nd dan”.


– juniors (16-18 years old) “Master of FCF-MMA, a black belt, 1st dan”;


– youths (8-15 years old) “Candidate for Master of FCF-MMA, a brown belt”;


7.4. Prize winners are awarded medals and certificates.


7.5. Prize winners are conferred sports title:


– adults (19 years old and older) “FCF-MMA Master, a black belt, 1st dan”;


– juniors (16-18 years old) “Candidate for Master of FCF-MMA, a brown belt”;


– youths (8-15 years old) “1st class, a red belt”;


7.6. Coaches of winners are awarded certificates and medals and are conferred sports title:


– for training the “FCF-MMA Master of the international class, a black belt, 2nd dan” – The coach of the international category.


– for training the “FCF-MMA Masters, a black belt, 2nd dan” – The coach of the Republican category.


– for training “Candidate for Master of FCF-MMA» – The coach-instructor.


7.7. Teams, the 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd place winner are awarded Cups and certificates.


  1. Application.


8.1. The applications are accepted by e-mail at the latest on November 01, 2016 containing information on accurate weight of athletes, their full names, age, and passport copies of all members of the delegation.


8.2. The participants submit the following documents (originals) to the credentials committee:


Applications in prescribed form (Appendix №1) for participation in competitions, certified with the signature and the seal of sending organization head, doctor’s seal, the signature of coach or the team representative (specify the coach name, middle name and surname opposite the surname of every athlete). At the same time the athlete passport and health insurance (insurance policy) are submitted; the youths at the age of 14 are allowed to participate in competitions only providing their own passports; the youths under 14 years old provide their international passports or the birth certificate and a school letter, certified by the seal of school or house management (the seal must be put on the photo) (Appendix №2). The handwritten application forms and copies of documents as well are not accepted. The athletes with not fully executed documents or under-age candidates are not allowed to participate.


8.3. The teams must have their national flags by them.


8.4. The entry fee for participation in competitions is $32. (In case of athlete or team disqualification the entry fee is not paid back).


  1. Information.


9.1. The rules and any other information may be learnt on site


9.2. The official language of competitions is English and Russian.


9.3. Local time – Russia.


The present regulations are the official challenge to the competitions for IF FCF national departments.


The International Federation of Full Contact Fighting FCF-MMA


e-mail:, Site:


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Редактор: Главный_редактор
Дата публикации: 13.11.2016
Просмотров: 12258


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