Первенство Европы Синкекусинкай WKO |
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5-ое Первенство Европы среди юношей 15-16 лет
7 первенство Европы среди юниоров 17-21 год
по Синкекусинкай WKO
г.Бытом, Польша
27-28 ноября 2015 года
5th EUROPEAN SHINKYOKUSHIN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPFOR CADETS U16November 27th 2015 – Tarnowskie Góry, Poland(Sports Hall TarnowskieGóry (near Aqua Park), Obwodnica 8 Street, TarnowskieGóry) |
7th European SHINKYOKUSHIN KARATE championship FOR YOUTHS U22November 28th 2015 - Bytom, Poland.(Sports Center Skarpa, address Frycza Modrzewskiego 5a Street, Bytom) |
- 1. Weight categories and number of participants for each country
a) European championship for youths U22
born in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 (18 years old on the day of the competition)
Kumite men: -65 kg; -70 kg; -75 kg; -80 kg; -85 kg; +85 kg
Kumite women: -55 kg; -60 kg; -65 kg; +65 kg
KATA men and women
All world and European Adult champions(medal winners) can’t participate in the u22 championships.
b) European championship for cadets U16
born in 1999, 2000
Kumite boys: -50 kg; -55 kg; -60 kg; -65 kg; -70 kg; -75 kg; +75 kg
Kumite girls: -50 kg; -55 kg; -60 kg; -65 kg; +65 kg
KATA boys and girls
c) Number of participants for EC Cadets & EC U22: 2 per country in each category Kumite and Kata, Country organizer has 1 extra participants in each category.
- 2. Preliminary schedule:
26.11.2015 (Thursday) - arrival of participants, officials and country delegations
12:00 -18:00 weight and medical control (in places of accommodation)
16:00 - 19:00 referee registration and meeting
20:30 - 21:00 Draws
27.11.2015 (Friday) -Sports Hall TarnowskieGóry (3 tatami)
9:00 - 11:00 European Championships –Kata Cadets u16 and Youth u22
11:00 - 18:00 European Championships – Kumite Cadets u16
28.11.2015 (Saturday) -Sports Center Skarpa - Bytom (3 tatami)
10:00 - 18:00 European Championships – Kumite Youth U22
19:30 - 24:00 SAYONARA PARTY
29.11.2015 (Sunday) - check-out and departure.
- 3. Accommodation(in twin and double rooms),:
Hotel 4**** price: FB:60 € /night/person ; B&B: 50 € /night/person*
Hotel 3*** price: FB: 45 € /night/person ;B&B: 35 € /night/person*
*special prices for stay minimum 3 nights
FB - Full Board: 3 nights with breakfast, lunch (27 & 28.11), dinner (26 & 27.11), Sayonara Party (28.11), transportation to the sport hall from official hotels.
B&B - Bed and Breakfast: 3 nights with breakfast, 1 lunch (day of start in the competition), Sayonara Party (28.11), transportation to the sport hall from official hotels.
Details regarding rooms and specific room prices will be available online from 1th September 2015 on http://ec2015.eu -
- 4. Financial conditions:
- Accommodation, flight tickets, transportation and meals for all participants shall be covered by Country Organization.
- All payments should be paid by bank transfer;
- EKO participation and antidoping: 20 € per each participant (payed by cash before registration).
- Information for participants and guests staying in other hotels: Sayonara Party ticket 30 Euro, transportation to sport hall not available.
- 5. Airport transfers:
Flights are available to International Airports Katowice and Kraków (80 km).
Transfers from airports Katowice and Kraków will be scheduled by the organizer at the request and expense of the participants. Detailed transfer schedule and cost will be given by mail after all of the flight schedules, times and details have been entered at the registration on the official website.
- 6. Registration and contact person
- Registration will be available online on http://ec2015.eu
DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION - 30TH OCTOBER 2015 - Secretary of the Organize Committee Rafał Mnich, reservations@ec2015.eu +48 665 923 444 (registration and hotels)
- PFKS General Secretary Wojciech Radziewicz, office@ec2015.eu, +48 608 615 638 (all other topics)
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Автор: Автор фото: Редактор: Главный_редактор Источник: Дата публикации: 28.11.2015 Просмотров: 13942 |
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