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Фитнес-центр в Измайлово
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Главная тема
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| | 618

Чемпионат и Первенство мира по бирманскому боксу

Посетителей:   12329


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Чемпионат и Первенство мира по бирманскому боксу.
г.Нижний Новгород, Россия

5-8 мая 2017 года



1. Purposes of carrying out of championship


1. Promoting and development of the Burmese boxing (Lethwei)) in World


2. Strengthening of international relations




2. Place and terms conduct competitions


The world championship on the Burmese boxing (further – Competitions) are held in the city Nizhny Novgorod (Yunost’ sports palace) during the period from May 04 to May 09, 2017, including day of arrival – on May 04, 2017, day of departure – on May 09, 2017.




3. Management of competitions


The General management of the organization and carrying out by the All-Russian public organization "Burmese Boxing Federation of Russia", the Nizhny Novgorod regional office of SBI "Burmese Boxing Federation of  Russia".


The Direct leadership in carrying out of competitions is assigned to SBI "Burmese Boxing Federation of  Russia", the technical delegate and judiciary board appointed by the World Burmese boxing Federation (WBBF).




4. Participants of the competitions and receptions conditions


Competitions are open for all countries (federations) wishing to take part.


Composition of command:


To the 10 participants – 1 trainer, 1 doctor, 1 judge


Over 10 participants – 2 trainers, 1 doctor, 1 judge 


To participation in competitions are allowed sportsmen in the following weight categories:




the young men of 12 – 13 years: to 27 kg; 30 kg; 32 kg; 34 kg; 36 kg; 38kg; 40 kg; 42 kg; 44 kg; 46 kg; 48 kg; 50 kg; 52 kg; 54 kg; 56 kg; 58 kg; 60 kg; 63 kg; 66 kg; 69 kg; 73 kg; over 73 kg.


senior young men of 14 - 15 years: 40 kg; 42 kg; 44 kg; 46 kg; 48 kg; 50 kg; 52 kg; 54 kg; 56 kg; 58 kg; 60 kg; 63,5 kg; 67 kg; 71 kg; 75 kg; 81 kg, 86 kg, 91 kg, over 91 kg.


Juniors of 16 - 17 years: to 45 kg; 48 kg; 51 kg; 54 kg; 57 kg; 60 kg; 63,5 kg; 67 kg; 71 kg; 75 kg; 81 kg; 86 kg; 91 kg; over 91 kg.


girls of 16 - 17 years: to 42 kg; 45 kg; 48 kg; 51 kg; 54 kg; 57 kg; 60 kg; 63,5 kg; 67 kg; 71 kg; over 75 kg.


men 18 years and more: to 45 kg; 48 kg; 51 kg; 54 kg; 57 kg; 60 kg; 63,5 kg; 67 kg; 71 kg; 75 kg; 81 kg; 86 kg; 91 kg; over 91 kg.


women of 18 years and more: to 45 kg; 48 kg; 51 kg; 54 kg; 57 kg; 60 kg; 63,5 kg; 67 kg; 71 kg; over 75 kg.






5. Program of  competitions






during the day

Arrival of teams and registration of participants


10:00 – 13:00

Weighing and medical examination of athletes

14:00 – 16:00


17:00 – 19:00

Judicial seminar

15:00 – 20:00 !

Coaching of athletes according to in advance made schedule!


10:00 – 11:00

Medical examination of athletes of this day of competitions

11:00 – 14:00

Preliminary fights

14:00 – 15:00

Technical break

15:00 – 18:00

Preliminary fights

18:00 – 18:30

Technical break

18:30 – 21:00

Preliminary fights


10:00 – 11:00

Medical examination of athletes of this day of competitions

11:00 – 12:30

fights ¼ finals

12:30 – 15:00

Technical break

15:00 – 16:00

ceremonial opening

16:00 – 18:00

fights 1/2 finals

18:00 – 18:30

Technical break

18:30 – 21:00

fights 1/2 finals


10:00 – 11:00

Medical examination of athletes of this day of competitions


11:00 – 13:30

Fights behind  the honourable III place


13:30 – 14:00

Technical break


14:00 – 17:00

Final of the young man and senior young men


17:00 – 17:30

Technical break


17:30 – 20:00

Final Juniors and Girls, Men and Women


20:00 – 21:00

awards ceremony


during the day

Departure of participants




6. Terms of deciding on results


World Championship is held according to the rules competition of the Burmese boxing. Results of a competition are defined in personal offset. Competitions are held on the Olympic system (an elimination after the first defeat).


Winners and prize-winners of competitions are determined in personal offset by each weight category separately.


Final results (protocols) and reports at the paper and electronic medium will be represented to the countries (federations), who participated in competitions within two weeks from the date of the end of a sports competition.




7. Awards


Winners and prize-winners in each weight category are awarded with the medals WBBR and the appropriate certificate


8. Terms and conditions of financing


The funding associated with the organization and conduct of competitions carries the All-Russian public organization "Burmese boxing  Federation of Russia" and Nizhny Novgorod Regional Branch of the All-Russian public organization "Burmese boxing Federation of Russia".


Fare, accommodation, meals and insurance is provided at the expense of the sending countries participating in the Competition.




9. Ensuring safety


Safety of participants and viewers of a competition is carried out according to requirements of Safety rules when holding the official sports competitions approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 353, and also requirements of rules of competitions by the Burmese boxing.


Medical care is carried out in accordance with the Russian Ministry of Health Order of 03.01.2016, № 134n "On the order of organization of medical assistance for persons engaged in physical culture and sports (including the preparation and holding of sports events and sports activities), including the procedure for the medical examination of persons wishing to undergo sports training, engage in physical culture and sports organizations and (or ) to perform the test specifications (test) All-Russian sports complex "Ready for labor and defense".




10. Insurance participants




All participants of competitions shall provide supporting documents about life insurance and health from accidents, which are provided in the commission on the admission of participants.


Life insurance is performed at the expense of means of the sending organizations.








This position is an official call on competition!


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Редактор: Главный_редактор
Дата публикации: 07.05.2017
Просмотров: 12328


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