Международный открытый английский турнир по Киокусинкай |
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Международный открытый английский турнир по Киокусинкай среди взрослых.
18 марта 2012 года
Open Knockdown Application
Sunday 18th March 2012 at 12.30pm (weigh/check in 11.00am) at
The Leas Cliff Hall Folkestone, KENT CT20 2DZ.
Weigh can also take place evening before, venue & time to be confirmed.
Applicants must be 18 years and over
Name …………………………………………..……………………….. Male / Female
Date of Birth ………...… AGE ….... Height (feet/inches) ……….… Weight (kgs)…..
Grade …………..……… Years Training........
Telephone Number ……….............………………..................................................................................
Emergency Contact Name and Telephone................…………………………………….........................
Medical / Health Current Health/Fitness ………….........……….………………………….......................
Medical information (Asthma, Blood Pressure, Thrombosis, Heart, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Migraine etc.)
Details ………........…………………………………………………………………………….......................
Smoke ……………… Drink …………………
The tournament will be divided into categories of weight and gender.
This Tournament is Full Contact Kyokushinkai Knockdown and competitors must be aware that injuries will occur. The referees will use their discretion to control fights to minimise injury.
Competitors of Kyokushinkai Knockdown tournaments take part entirely at their own risk and are outside the scope of Instructor and club insurance schemes. This is normal within any full contact tournament and this waiver of liability towards the tournament organiser, instructors, officials and coaches, International Karate and the hosting venue.
I consent to participating in the Open Knockdown Tournament on the 18th March 2012 and agree to these constraints and will abide by the rules of the tournament.
Name ……………………………… Signed …………………………… Date ……………..
Competitors are expected to provide their own protective equipment as listed in the tournament rules.
Tournament Fee for competitors £10.00 to be paid on application. Closing date for application Friday 9th March 2012.
Open Knockdown Competition Rules
01) Rounds:
1st round 2 minutes - decision requested. Second round if no winner appointed, 2 minutes - decision requested.
02) Weight divisions are:
Below 70kG, 70-79kG, 80kG and above for men. Below 65kG and 65kG and above for women.
03) The matted area for matches shall be on 1 Tatami’s (Open Mat)
04) Protection
Gum Shield (optional), Groin Guard, Shin Guards.
05) A participant wins only by knock-down or knock-out or appointed by the referees.
The criteria for a full point (Ippon) knockdown is the opponent is down for more than
8 seconds, less than 8 seconds will be awarded a half point (Wazari). If 2 Wazari are
scored an Ippon, and will be awarded. The awarding of Ippon wins the fight.
06) Techniques allowed:
Punches and elbows to the body and legs.
Knee techniques to the body, legs and head.
Kicks to the body, legs and head.
Sweep techniques followed by an authorized non-contact technique.
07) Prohibited techniques: leads to Hansoku (official warning) and Shikakku
Any attack to opponents head, face, groin or neck with open hand, fist or any part of
the arm.
Kicks to the groin, straight kicks to the kneecap.
Head thrusts or butts.
Any attack to an opponent’s back.
Strikes or kicks to a downed opponent, unless the attack or strike immediately follows
a sweep or downing technique, in which case there is no contact allowed.
No one may attack while opponent is down.
Failing to obey the referees instructions during a match.
Frequently retreating from or out the contest area or moves that waste time.
Persistent bad behaviour or violence.
Grabbing or hooking the opponent is not allowed for any techniques.
No pushing the opponent to gain space or room for techniques allowed.
08) Weight differences/extensions
If there is no clear winner after 2 rounds the referee may ask both contestants to be
weighed. If there’s a difference of more than 5 kilo (3 kilos for women), the lighter competitor will be declared the winner of the match.
If there is no difference of weight there will be the possibility to 1 extension of
2 minutes.
After the extension the referees must point out a winner, no hike wake (draw)
09) Criteria: Minimum 2 years proven or documented Martial arts experience.
10) There will be no Tamishiwara
11) This competition is for men and women, open for any style.
12) Only one coach is allowed at the Tatami’s side during the fight.
13) The coach must wear training suit and sport shoes.
14) The organization can adjust the rules due to special circumstances.
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Автор: Автор фото: Редактор: Главный_редактор Источник: Дата публикации: 18.03.2012 Просмотров: 16343 |
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