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Interview about Kyokushin in the UK

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Inyerview with Bernard Creton
about the history of Kyokushin in the UK

Bernard Creton - Kaicho (founder) of the Jutsu Kai karate school and union World Independent Budokai

2014 year

2022 - 60th anniversary of martial arts

How and when Kyokushin appeared in the UK, how did British Kyokushin Karate appear?

I started in the BKK around 1965. Shihan Bob Boulton had returned from the Japan Honbu and was the first with Kyokushinkai in UK, then Hanshi Steve Arneil came and with some very good help began to develop the BKK into what it is now. It was not until my Sensei – Bryan Dowler – became chairman that the BKK really began to grow. 

Brian Dowler's 1979 British Open article

After the first British Open was held at crystal palace in 1976 (I fought the first full-contact fight at this event, open weight then and just part of the BKK national ‘clicker’ championships). 

Bernard Creton on British Open

It was his idea to bring a Japanese instructor to the UK to help develop knockdown style. This was Tatsuo Nakamura. He stayed at my parents house and I moved back home to help him, teach him English and take him around – we are still ‘brother’ today.

Bernard Creton and Tatsuo Nakamura

Tell us about the first clubs and coaches in the UK.

I began my Kyokushin training at the Croydon, South London club under Bryan ‘Dicky’ Dowler. He was a former British Judo Campion and a Supreme Court Solicitor. He later became the BKK Chairman. There were around 10 clubs then. Some of the main instructors were Brian Fitkin (One of the best ever) Joe Claronino, Barry Evans (now Dolph Lungrens fight arranger), Dicky Wu, Brian Crowley, Ticky Donovan (former Wado Ryu stylist who at the time was one of the top WUKO fighters and later the national Coach. At this time knockdown had not been invented) was with us for a while too. These were the main ones.

Bottom photo: Dolph Lendren vs. Jeff Whybrow

Tell us about the first fighter in the UK.

Brian Fitkin trained in Japan for a long time and when he returned to the UK he was awesome, but this was before Knockdown. He travelled the world teaching and fighting and was during this period, unbeatable in the WUKO scene..

Brian Fitkin, Steve Arneil, Bernard Creton

Howard Collins also trained for some time in Japan and when he returned was very strong and a good fighter. There was much speculation about who was the best, Brian or Howard. They met once at a WUKO championships and Brian beat him easily.

The fight of Bernard Creton and Howard Collins (they met not in competitions more than once)

Jeff Whybrow was always a good all round Karateka and a favourite of Steve Arneil.

In the photo: Jeff Whybrow - 1st place, Bernard Creton - 2nd place


Who are the best British fighters of all time? Compare the best fighters of the past and present.

I think it is very difficult to compare fighters from the pre-knockdown days with those that came later. My personal opinion is that if Brian Fitkin had been involved with Knockdown style he would have ben one of the best as he was very powerful and had amazing timing and condition.

Why Fitkin was never prize winner of British Open?

Brian was always more into WUKO, in fact I never saw him fight Knockdown, even though I am certain he would have excelled. Also he was a bit of a Ronin and non conformist.

Howard had trained for some time in Japan immediately prior to the first World Open so was very used to this kind of fighting while most had to gain experience through personal trial. .

1979 Absolute World Championship - 5th Howard Collins, 6th Bernard Creton


Why do you, Fitkin, Collins left the UK and moved to Scandinavia?

Mostly politics and the difficulties involved in working Steve Arneil. I think the life style and government support for sport in most Scandinavian countries is also very attractive for those wanting to develop their own way.


Article by Howard Collins on the 1978 European Championship. Pictured are his fights with Bernad Creton and Gary Chamberlain

What is Britain's role in the development of Kyokushin in Europe?

I think Britain had a very important role in developing Kyokushin in Europe, the British Open and the BKK summercamp, along with the systemisation that Tadashi Nakamura introduced have, in my opinion been the main stepping stones that has lead to Kyokushin as we know it now.


Jeff Whybrow, Bernard Creton, Howard Collins at BKK Summer Camp

Who was organizer of first and 2nd British Open tournaments?

These were organised by the BKK - the board and members including Keith Morris, Grant Kinnaird amongst others both training and support.


Why British Open was best tournament in Europe during 20 years?

I think it is because the BKK had a big group back then and a very stable and good committee that run things for Steve Arneil.

What is different between old British Open and present?

I think it is the spirit and fighting style. There were VERY few professionals back then and many did not have the luxury of experienced coaches so went it "blind" and often fought when not prepared or sick (like me in the first British Open). I think many of the present fighters are really good, and very strong but back then it was all new - a bit like when the Beatles came to town...

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