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History of All-Round karate

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History of All-Round karate

AllRound Karate - one kind of mixed martial arts, developed by World Independent Budokai organization (WIBK).

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) - system where is combined of many techniques, schools and styles of martial arts. MMA is a full contact combat with striking technique and wrestling technique (both the stance and on the floor).

The term «Mixed Martial Arts» was proposed in 1995 by Rick Blume, president “Battlecade”, one of the early MMA organizations, and subsequently established as a common term for martial arts, which is allowed as a strikes, and wrestling technique. Now this term means rather not than martial arts school, as it was before, but the rules of a sport competitions developed in the framework of a different promotions. Sport fighting in mixed rules massively been held in Japan since the 70s, though some competitions (including in circuses) were carried out in France, America and other countries since the beginning of the 20th century. Now the most well-known MMA organizations are the UFC, Bellator, OneFC, Cage of the Rage, Invicta and many others. A little time before it was Pride, Strikeforce, Pancrase e.t.c. These organizations and their rules are not so different from each other. But in their competitions can take place various martial arts schools. In fact, these organizations provide a platform for the MMA test of a martial art in an environment close to the real fight.

The appearance of such a universal platform in the 90's and 2000's was the catalyst, the selection of the most versatile combat systems. And such a system existed throughout the history of mankind. The origins of mixed martial arts date back to BC: even the ancient Greeks in the first Olympics competed in the pankration, which can also be regarded as a view of MMA. Similarly, the traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu is a mixed martial art and includes not only the nage-waza and kansetsu-waza (fighting techniques), but also atemi-waza (striking technique).

However, in general, to the 20th century is characterized by the separation of martial arts on the wrestling-based and strike-based martial arts. Although attempts to combine the strikes rules and wrestling rulesconstantly made, but before the 90s MMA have had not the great popularity in the world. Perhaps because in many countries mixed martial arts used in training special forces, and because of their mass distribution was discouraged or even was forbidden (as, for example, with a system of Combat Sambo in the USSR or Krav Maga in Israel). And, nevertheless, already in the 50s American Ed Parker created a mass system of "kenpo karate" for people, which can also be attributed to the mixed martial arts. In 1980, Dutchman John Blooming came from Kyokushin and founded an organization BudokaiKan (later - International BudokaiKan - IBK), the foundation of the school which also lay down a combination kyokushin karate, jujitsu and judo. In the same way went British Bernard Creton and Brian Dowler, created on similar principles as in 1980, the organization Karate Jutsu Kai. Subsequently, a number of students Jon Bluming also continued to develop the system of training mixed martial arts fighters universal: for example, Dave Cook has created the system TsuShinGen and Henk Kuipers has created the system AllRound karate.

As part of IBK AllRound karate represent only the idea of mixed martial arts, combining the best aspects of the fight Kyokushin Karate - primarily the desire to win, challenge the limits. However, the full development of this idea in the framework of IBK has not received. The second coming of AllRound karate received in 2012. This year, on the initiative of Henk Kuipers (9th Dan, The Netherlands) and Bernard Creton (9th dan, Denmark), supported by Konstantin Bely (7th dan, Russia), Ralf Fahrun (8th dan, Germany) and Claudio Alessi (8th dan, Switzerland) the new organization World Independent Budokai – WIBK was established.

As part of IBK AllRound karate represent only the idea of mixed martial arts, combining the best aspects of the fight Kyokushin Karate - primarily the desire to win, challenge the limits. However, the full development of this idea in the framework of IBK has not received. The second coming of AllRound karate received in 2012. This year, on the initiative of Henk Kuipers (9th Dan, The Netherlands) and Bernard Creton (9th dan, Denmark), supported by Konstantin Bely (7th dan, Russia), Ralf Fahrun (8th dan, Germany) and Claudio Alessi (8th dan, Switzerland) the new organization World Independent Budokai – WIBK was established.

Just since 2012, and held competitions AllRound karate in WIBK. But it is very important to understand that AllRound karate - is not only sports rules but integrated system of training of the universal fighter, based on traditional and modern techniques.

 In 2018, the Government of Japan awarded Bernard Creton by the title "Kaicho", i.e. "Founder of School" of karate Jutsu Kai and the World Independent Budokai the title "Kaicho"

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